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     平遥城墙建于明洪武三年,现存有6座城门瓮城、4座角楼和72座敌楼。其中南门城墙段于2004年倒塌,如今已经全面复建,并投入重金,修建迎薰门广场,除此以外的其余大部分都至今完好,是中国现存规模较大、历史较早、保存较完整的 古城墙之一,亦是世界遗产平遥古城的核心组成部分。此外,还有镇国寺、双林寺和平遥文庙等也都被纳入世界遗产的保护范围。










八小街和七十二条蚰蜒巷,名称各有由来,有的得名于附近的建筑或醒目标志,例如衙门街、书院街、校场巷、贺兰桥巷、旗杆街、三眼井街、照壁南街、小察院巷等;有的得名于祠庙,例如文庙街、城隍庙街、罗汉庙街、火神庙街、关帝庙街、真武庙街、五道庙街等;有的得名于当地的大户,例如赵举人街、雷家院街、宋梦槐巷、阎家巷、冀家巷、郭家巷、范家街、邵家巷、马家巷等;古城东北角有一座相对封闭的城中之城,类似于古代城市中的坊,附近的四条街道也就被命名为东壁景堡、中壁景堡、西壁景堡和堡外街;还有一些街巷则已经无法探究名称来历了,例如仁义街、甜水巷、豆芽街 、葫芦肚巷等。



    平遥国际摄影节始创于 2001 年。2001年,在国务院文化部、国务院新闻办公室和山西省委、省政府的大力支持下,我们首次创办的“平遥国际摄影节”,完全按照国际规范操作,国内与国际接轨、传统与现代互动,使平遥古城独特的风貌、古朴的民风以及形式多样的摄影活动交相辉映,在海内外产生了出乎预料的轰动效应。平遥古城因此而闻名世界。



    平遥城墙,始建于西周宣王时期(公元前827年~公元前782年)为夯土城垣 。明洪武三年(1370年)重筑,由原“九里十八步”扩为“ 十二里八分四厘”(6.4公里),变夯土城垣为砖石城墙。按照相传的“山水朝阳 ,龟前戏水,城之攸建,依此为胜”说法,取神龟“吉祥长寿”之意,筑为“龟城”。

    明清两代先后有 25 次维修,城墙平面呈方形,周长6162.7米,高10米,垛堞高2米,顶宽3—5米,墙身素土夯实,外包青砖,内墙砖砌排水槽77个。墙顶外筑2米高的垛口墙(又称挡马墙)取孔子弟子、贤人之数,设垛口3000个,敌楼72座,内砌女儿墙。四隅角楼四座,东城墙上有点将台,东南角城顶上筑奎星楼和文昌阁。出于军事防御需要平遥城墙建有重门瓮城六座,南北各一、东西各二,南曰迎熏,北曰拱极,上东门太和,下东门亲翰,上西门永定,下西门凤仪,每座瓮城都建有重檐歇山顶城楼,六座重门瓮城外原设有吊桥。城墙外四周有护城河宽3米。城南有麓台山和柳根河,“山水朝阳 ,龟前戏水”。迄今为止,古城的城墙、街道、民居、店铺、庙宇等建筑仍然基本完好,原来的形式和格局大体未动,它们同属平遥古城现存历史文物的有机组成部分。

瓮城建在城门外小城 ,又叫月城 ,用以增强城池的防御能力。《武经总要前集?守城》记载:“其城外瓮城,或圆或方。视地形为之,高厚与城等,惟偏开一门,左右各随其便。”平遥古城的瓮城城门与大城门的朝向多数呈90°夹角(南门和下东门除外),即便敌军攻破了瓮城城门,还有主城门防御,由于翁城内地方狭窄不易于展开大规模兵力进攻,延缓了敌军的进攻速度,而城墙顶部的守军则可居高临下四面射击,给敌人以致命打击,正所谓关门打狗、瓮中捉鳖。


   修筑于城池的城门顶,古代有时称“谯楼”。平遥城墙的城楼共有六座,创修于明代,清康熙四十二年( 1703年 )补修重筑,城楼高16.14米,宽五间13.72米,进深四间 10.04 米。造型古朴、典雅 ,结构端庄稳健。城楼是城墙顶精致美观的高层建筑,平常登高瞭望,战时主将坐镇指挥,是一座城池重要的高空防御设施。


    建于城墙四角上的楼橹 , 主要用以弥补守城死角即城墙拐角处的防御薄弱环节,从而增强整座城墙的防御能力。角楼分别指西北角的“ 霞叠”楼,东北角的“栖月楼”。西南角的“瑞霭楼”,东南角的“凝秀楼”。


    位于上东门和下东门之间城墙顶上,现为砖砌高台。相传公元前 827年周宣王即位后,派大将尹吉甫率兵北伐猃狁,连战连捷,后奉命屯兵今之平遥,增筑城墙,并在此训练士卒,点将练武。明代中叶,人们为纪念尹吉甫功绩,在尹曾点将阅兵的地方修筑了高真庙。明清维修城墙时一并将“高真庙”连成一体,是城顶宽阔的高台,登高远眺,心旷神怡,诗曰:“层台百尺县城连,吉甫勋名雉堞前。塞草久消征战垒,龙旗怯意出车年”。




   角台是突出于城墙四角、与墙身联为一体的墩台。每个角台上建楼橹一座,名角楼。角楼之朝向与大墙呈135°角,楼的高度、体量介于城楼与敌楼之间 。战时,角楼内的守御者居高临下,视野广阔,可监控和痛击来自多种角度的进犯之敌。角台与角楼以其非同寻常的战略位置,在平遥城墙的历代维修工程中 ,每被列为重要项目。清道光 、咸丰间持续六年之久的大修中,索性把残破的“四隅敌楼”(即角楼)拆倒,重新修起了更高大的砖木结构二层楼阁。楼的平面呈方形,占地27平方米,正立面辟拱券门,内有砖阶可通往二层,二层四面开圆形瞭望窗,楼身为砖砌,置木楼板,楼顶歇山式,五脊六兽。传统的建筑艺术融进了军事堡垒之中。


   “ 马面 ”是城墙中向外突出的附着墩台,因为它形体修长,如同马的脸面,故称。“马面”之设,既增强了墙体的牢固性,又在城池守卫战中得以消除战场的死角:一旦敌人兵临城下,相邻的马面上的守夫可组织成交叉射击网,让来犯者左右受敌而一败涂地。平遥城墙每隔60米-100米即有马面一个,马面上筑有瞭望敌情的楼橹,称“敌楼”。

据旧志称,明代初年重修平遥城墙时,仅建“敌台窝铺四十座,隆庆三年(1569)增至94座,万历三年(1575),在全城以砖石包城的同时,重修成砖木结构的敌楼72座,后经历代修葺,遗存至今 。”敌楼平面呈方形,占地10.24平方米,双层,四壁砖砌,硬山顶,筒板瓦覆盖(太和门瓮城左右的两敌楼顶有脊饰),底层面向城内的一面辟拱券门,楼内设木楼梯,上层置楼板,楼上四面各开拱券窗两孔。仰望那一座座敌楼,如同林立的岗哨,莫不令人敬畏。楼上的窗孔酷似巨人的耳目,有多数的敌楼,尚且正对着城内的某条街巷,从中进行监控。可见不论在平时和战时,敌楼又具有治安防范的功能。


    平遥城墙的平面布局呈方形,坐北向南,偏东15°。城之所以追求“方正”,如果不是在解释古人“天圆地方,道在中央”之说,便是出自科学的建筑构思:除了圆形之外,最短的周边能围合成最大面积的只有方形。城之朝向,固然面南为尊,但县城不比皇城,故因地制宜取朝东15°偏向,正好顺应着常年的主导风向,每日沐浴着充裕的阳光。城池前有中都河水,远方是麓台山和超山,迎山接水,生机盎然。平遥城墙周长6162.68米(与明初“周围十二里八分四厘”吻合),其中东墙1478.48米,南墙1713.80米(东西两墙南端的直线间距也不过1500米),西墙1494.35米,北墙1476.05米,东 、西、北三面俱直,唯南墙随中都河蜿蜒而顿缩逶移如龟状。中国古代礼制规定:天子的城方九里,公爵的城方七里,侯爵和伯爵的城方五里,子爵的城方三里。平遥城三华里见方 ,显然是古代最低一级(即县城)中最大的城了。

    史传明洪武三年之前的平遥旧城为九里十八步 。从城内一户冀姓市民的先祖遗言中得知,元朝至正九年(1349)时 ,今城内沙巷街以西尚属城外,那里“桑园成林,百鸟争鸣”。明洪武二年(1369),大水成灾 ,冲垮西城墙,留滞了红色泥砂,次年扩建城池时,城墙西迁,遂有今日沙巷街。再者,今城内窑场街的街名来自明洪武年间烧造城砖的窑场,既是窑场,理当位居旧城之外,那么当年的北城墙必不远于窑场街一带。照此判断,旧城的周长与“九里十八步”的说法是十分相符的。明洪武三年的扩建重筑,奠定了现存城墙的基本形制,墙高“三丈二尺”,底宽8 米-12米,顶宽3米-6米。早期的墙体用素土夯筑,夯土墙基用自然土夯填。

    明代遗留的夯土层中有直径6 厘米-7厘米的木栓,由地面以上起,每二米为一层,木栓平面分布的间距为2米-3米。夯土内的夯窝直径为15 厘米,深2厘米-3厘米,夯层12厘米-15厘米。墙体收分15%-20%。夯土墙外侧有条石作基, 以特制的青砖(34厘米*17厘米*7.7厘米)包砌挡土墙。挡土墙内侧每隔5米-6米筑有58厘米*80厘米的砖砌内垛,与夯土墙联接。挡土墙厚度由底至顶分别为87厘米、70厘米、53厘米 ,各层高度约占墙体总高度的三分之一 ,墙体收分为9 %。墙身的断面形成一个梯形。外檐墙根,顺大墙走向筑散水台阶,俗称小城墙,台阶高1米,宽3米-5米,台面以半砖侧铺。外檐墙头,砖砌垛口墙,高2米,厚53厘米,每垛长1.39米,上施檐砖3层,中有高25厘米、宽17.7厘米的瞭望孔。垛堞间留有垛口,宽 53 厘米,好供射击。




平遥城南高北低,四方开门,民间以朝向和地势相区别,将六道城门分别叫南门、北门、上东门、上西门、下东门、下西门。其实,原本各有其名。据明万历三十七年《汾州府志o建置卷》载:“隆庆三年知县岳维于六门外各修吊桥,各立砖门,皆立卧石 ,上刊二字,以壮伟观。东门二:一曰械口,一曰口顺,今存。西门二:一曰刺口,一曰威敌。隆庆六年知县孟一脉城以砖,按察使梁明翰为之记。万历二十二年增筑,瓮圈拆废,南门曰焚口,北门曰洗戎。”至清代 ,城墙在道光三十年后的一次大修中,知县刘叙将六门重新命名,并亲收匾额,分别为:迎薰 、拱极、太和、永定、亲翰 、凤仪。

    城池既面南而偏东,南门迎纳着东南方的和薰之风,是为“迎熏门”;古人以北极星作为北方的标志,孔子曰:“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。”北门称“拱极门”,取四方归向,众人共尊之意;上东门地处朝气方位,取生机盎然、保合太和之意,“太和门”;上西门命名“永定门”,期冀江山永固,国泰民安;下东门自古为本邑战略要冲,门匾书“亲翰”二字,意在告诫人们“戎事乘翰”,务以卫国保家为己任 ;下西门之取名“凤仪门”,似乎受到早年关于西门外有凤凰来朝的神话影响,“箫韶九成,凤凰来仪”,凤凰来而有容仪,是吉祥的瑞应,令人进而想到德政惠民,国运隆昌。


四十四年(1705),又补修了上东门大门楼门洞。道光三十年(1850)至咸丰六年(1856),进行了一次全方位 、大规模的城墙维修工程,曾“兴工东西北五门,悉仍旧基补筑,惟南门高加数尺”,造就了现存的规制。在六道古城门中,东西四道 ,两两相对,上东门、上西门、下西门的重门均向南而开,面对远方的山河,使之“纳气”;下东门的重门中轴线则与里门中轴线平行,它朝向通往京都的官道,以示对朝廷的尊敬。南门的重门虽与里门相错,但因势利导,仍然面南。北门的重门与里门呈90°而向东开,沐浴着东方的曙光。




    日升昌票号作为晋商文化的杰出代表,其建筑风格和规模都具典型,但又有其特殊性。日升昌票号采用三进式穿堂楼院,即体现了晋中民居的传统特色,又吸收了晋中商铺的风格,达到了建筑艺术和使用功能的和协统一。日升昌占地1386平方米,建筑面积约1200平方米,共有21座建筑,正院沿南北纵轴线,东院为狭长的南北小跨院,西院为日中新票号。(日中新与日升昌均为达蒲李氏的财东), 如今的日升昌旧址,已开辟为“中国票号博物馆”,票号是清代出现的一种金融机构,而开办最早的票号是日升昌票号,其财东是山西平遥县达蒲村李氏。日升昌票号的前身是西裕成颜料庄,总庄设在平遥,并在北京崇文门外设有分庄。清嘉庆末年,由于社会商品货币经济的发展,埠际间货币流通量大增,而过去的起标运银由于很不安全,已 不能适应新形势的需要,西裕成颜料庄首先在京、晋间试行汇兑办法,结果效果很好,便开始兼营汇兑业。道光初年,西裕成颜料庄正式更名为日升昌票号,专营汇兑。票号是很能赚银两的生意,估计从道光到同治年间50余年的时间内,财东李氏从日升昌票号分红达200万银两以上。 李氏经商,对商号的经理实行聘任制,所以李氏最重视对经理的挑选。经理人选一经选定,便任其行事,平时概不过问。只是到结账时,方听取经理汇报,最后分红取利,确定经理是否继续聘任。

Pingyao used to be called "ancient pottery" . In the early Ming Dynasty, in order to defend the southern disturbance of foreign tribes, the city wall was built. In the third year of Hongwu (A. D. 1370) , the old wall was rebuilt and expanded, and the outside of the Old City was all covered with green bricks. Since then, Jingtai, Zhengde, Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli have carried out ten times the repair and repair, renovation of the city tower, the addition of enemy Taiwan. In the forty-three th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (AD 1703) , as the emperor toured through Pingyao on his way west, he built a city of towers on all sides, adding to the grandeur of the city. With a total circumference of 6,163 meters and a height of about 12 meters, the Pingyao City, with an area of about 2.25 square kilometers, is separated into two very different worlds. Within the city walls streets, shops, city buildings to retain the shape of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; outside the city walls known as the new city. This is an ancient and modern architecture into one, with mutual reflection, make people daydream about the good place. In 2009, Pingyao Ancient City won the World Records Association China's most complete existing ancient county, again won the award. Pingyao ancient city, located in the middle of Shanxi Province in northern China, was built in the Xuanwang period of the Western Zhou Dynasty (827-782 BC) and the Hongwu three-year expansion of the Ming Dynasty (AD) . It has a history of more than 2,700 years. So far, it has preserved the basic features of the county town in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) , which is the most complete ancient city in the Han nationality area of China. Pingyao is located in the east coast of Fen River, the southwestern tip of the Taiyuan Basin, and another national historical and cultural city adjacent to the Qi County. Datong–Puzhou Railway, Dayun highway through the county. Economy to agriculture-based, the main production of grain, cotton, specialty beef, push light lacquerware. One of the famous beef, there is "Pingyao Beef Taigu Pie" folk song lyrics. Pingyao was once the financial center of China in the late Qing Dynasty, and has the most complete ancient county structure in China. The Spring and Autumn Period was Jin, the Warring States period was Zhao. Qin Zhipingtao County, Han Zhi<loc_0> , as the ancestral king's capital. The Northern Wei Dynasty was renamed Pingyao County. In the late Qing Dynasty, there were more than twenty banks headquartered in Pingyao, accounting for more than half of the country, more known as "ancient Chinese Wall Street. ". One of the largest is created in the Qing Dynasty light years, to "Huitong the world" and famous for China's First Bank "Rishengchang" . Pingyao basically preserved the Ming and Qing Dynasties County prototype, known as "Kusǒng. ". The street pattern is in the shape of "earth" , and the architectural layout follows the eight diagrams, which reflects the urban planning idea and the form distribution in the Ming and Qing dynasties. There are more than 300 ruins and ancient buildings inside and outside the city. There are nearly 4,000 ming and Qing houses preserved intact. Pingyao city wall built in the Ming Hongwu three years, there are now 6 gate Barbican, 4 turrets and 72 enemy buildings. The South Gate Section of the city wall, which collapsed in 2004, has now been fully restored, and heavy money has been invested in building the Yingxunmen Square. Most of the rest, other than that, are still intact. They are the larger, earlier and more complete extant ones in China, one of the ancient city walls, is also the World Heritage Pingyao Ancient City core component. In addition, Zhenguo Temple, Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Temple are also included in the protection of World Heritage. Pingyao Ancient City in 1986 promulgated by the State Council as the second batch of national historical and cultural city. There are 3 national key cultural relics protection units, 6 provincial key cultural relics protection units and 90 county-level cultural relics protection units in the whole county. The number of its cultural relics and historic sites, the high value, the rich content, for the country's rare county-level cities. Among the precious relics in the ancient city, there are the Zhenguo Temple Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, which was built in the seventh year of the Tianhui Reign in the northern Han Dynasty (963) , the Shuanglin Temple Temple, which was built in the second year of Wuping Reign in the Northern Qi Dynasty (571) , and the Qingxu Temple, which was built in the second year of Xianqing Reign in the Tang Dynasty (657) There is built in the Northern Han Dynasty Tianhui seven years (963) into the temple hall, also built in the Qing Emperor Kangxi ten years (1671) Huiji bridge. Inner City structure

Pingyao ancient city by the traffic network criss-crossing four streets, eight small streets, seventy-two Scorpionian lane composition. South Street is the central axis of Pingyao ancient city. It starts at the junction of east and West streets in the north and ends at the great south gate (Yingxunmen) in the south. It runs through the North and south with ancient city buildings. On both sides of the street, old-name shops and traditional famous shops are lined up. It is the most prosperous traditional commercial street, during the Qing Dynasty, Nandajie controlled more than 50 percent of the country's financial institutions. Known as China's "Wall Street. ". West Street, West from the Lower West Gate (Fengyimen) , east and South Street at the North End of the intersection, and East street was a straight through the main street. The famous China's first ticket, Foshan Rishengchang, was born in the ancient city West Street, known as "the Qing Dynasty, the first financial street. ". Founded in 1824, the site covers an area of 2324 square meters and has a compact site with distinct functions. One Hundred Years of vicissitudes of life, brilliant performance, holding the nation's financial cattle, the first of China's national banking industry, and once manipulated the entire 19th century Qing Dynasty Economic Lifeline. Its semicolon over 30 cities throughout the country, commercial port towns, as far as Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia and other countries, "Huitong world" known in the world. After the establishment of Rishengchang, Jiexiu, Taigu and Qi County followed suit. East Street, east from the lower east door (Pro Hanmen) , west and South Street at the north end of the intersection, and the West Street was a straight through the main street. North Street, North Gate (Gongji Gate) , Nantong West Street central. The names of the eight little streets and the seventy-two Scorpian lanes have their own origins, some of which derive from nearby buildings or striking signs, such as Yamen Street, Shuyuan Street, schoolyard lane, Helanqiao Lane, Flagstaff Street, Sanyanjing Street, Chiu Pik South Street, Siu Cha Yuen Lane, etc Some got their names from Ancestral hall street, such as Man Miu Street, Shing Wong Miu Street, Law Hon Miu Street, Fire Temple Street, Kwan Tai Miu Street, Chun Mo Miu Street and Wu Dao Miu Street, for example, Zhao Juren Street, Lei Jia Yuan Street, Meng Huai Xiang, Yan Jia Xiang, Ji Jia Xiang, Guo Jia Xiang, Fan Jia Jie, Shao Jia Xiang, Ma Jia Xiang, etc. , the four nearby streets have been named the East, middle, West and outer streets of the castle, while others, such as Renyi Street, sweet water lane, Douya Street, and Hulu to lane, have become indecipherable. Pingyao ancient city residential, brick walls and tile roof of the wood-based quadrangles, layout rigorous, symmetrical around, superior and inferior order. Large families are building two, three into the courtyard or even larger courtyard groups, courtyard between the use of ornate flower doors separated. Most of the courtyard homes decorated beautifully, the door is usually built brick wall, under the eaves Fang has wood birds instead, column base, door pillars, Shigu stone carving decoration. There is a folk saying: "The top ten strange things in Pingyao ancient city" , one of which is "half of the house is built. " Most of Pingyao folk houses fell into the water on a single slope, and the most popular saying is that "four waters lead to a hall" or "fertile waters do not flow out of people's fields. " Shanxi is located in the arid and windy sand, building the house into a single slope, can increase the height of the House street wall, and the street without opening windows, can effectively resist the wind sand and improve the Factor of safety. The compact layout of the courtyard shows the rejection of the outside, the cohesion of the national character of the inside. Chenghuang temple is located in Chenghuangmiao Street in the southeast of the city. It is composed of three groups of buildings: Chenghuang Temple, Caishen Temple and Zaojun temple. The city God is one of the important gods in the ancient Han nationality religious culture, most of which are the famous ministers and heroes who have contributed to the local people. The slogan of the city God Temple, "the emperor has difficulty in going to Temple of Heaven, the county magistrate has difficulty in coming here. " I don't know where it comes from, but in history, especially in the Ming Dynasty, the official position of the city God is indeed higher than that of the county magistrate. The Ming Taizu decreed that the city God temple must be built everywhere, it is a clear reflection of the ancient thought of "co-administration of human beings and Gods" . Qing virtual view is located in the east section of East Street, founded in the Tang dynasty, prosperous in the Yuan Dynasty, the existing main building is a relic of the Ming Dynasty, Shanxi Province, the key cultural insurance units. Pingyao International Photography Festival was founded in 2001. In 2001, with the full support of the Ministry of Culture, the State Council Information Office Office of the State Council, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, we established the Pingyao International Photography Festival for the first time, operating in full accordance with international norms, the unique style and features of Pingyao's ancient city, its simple folk customs and various photography activities complement each other with the integration of domestic and international practices, and the interaction of tradition and modernity has created a sensation at home and abroad, said Out of the Blue, director of the Pingyao Museum. Pingyao is famous all over the world for this. The ancient city wall, known as Pingyao has three treasures, the ancient city wall is one of them. The Wall of Pingyao County. Built in 1370 of the Ming Dynasty, with a circumference of 6.4 km, Hongwu is the largest existing city wall in Shanxi in the early history. Both the Ming and Qing dynasties were repaired, but basically the shape and structure of the early Ming Dynasty. The city for the square, the wall height about 12 meters, the exterior all brick, the wall built the crenelated mouth, outside the wall has the moat, deep and wide 4 meters. There were six gates in the city, two in the east and two in the West, one in the north and one in the south. They cheat, and they build the Barbican for defense. With 3,000 battlements and 72 enemy towers, it is said to represent Confucius's 3,000 disciples and seventy-two Saints. After more than 600 years of ups and downs, the city wall is still strong. Pingyao city walls, was built in the Western Zhou Xuanwang period (827-782 BC) for the rammed earth city walls. Ming Hongwu three years (1370) reconstruction, from the original "nine Li 18 steps" expanded to "12 Li eight four Li" (6.4 km) , change rammed Earth City Wall for brick wall. According to the tradition of "sunrise mountains and rivers, turtle before the water, the city of Youjian, according to this as the victory" argument, take the turtle "auspicious longevity" meaning, built for the "Kusǒng. Ming and Qing Dynasties have 25 times maintenance, the city wall plane was square, 6162.7 m in circumference, 10 M in height, 2 M in Crenelation, 3 M in top width, the wall is tamped with Earth, surrounded by green brick, inner wall brick drainage trough 77. Outside the top of the wall built 2 meters high battlements wall (also known as the Horse Wall) to take Confucius disciples, the number of sages, set battlements 3000,72 enemy buildings, built within the parapet. There are four corner towers, a little general tower on the wall of Dongcheng, and a Quexing Tower and a Wenchang pavilion on the top of the southeast corner. For military defense, the walls of Pingyao City were built with six heavy gates, Barbican, one north and one south, two east and west, Yingxun in the south, Gongji in the north, Taihe at the Upper East Gate, Qianhan at the Lower East Gate, Yongding at the Upper West Gate, Fengyi at the lower west gate, each urn city has a Irimoya Tower, six heavy gate urn city outside the original suspension bridge. Outside the wall there is a moat three meters wide. South of the city, there are Lu Taishan and Liugen River, "the mountains and Waters Chaoyang, before the turtle play water. ". So far, the city walls, streets, residential houses, shops, temples and other buildings are still basically intact, the original form and pattern of the general did not move, they are an organic part of the existing historical relics Pingyao ancient city. Barbican was built outside the city gates, or Moon City, to fortify the city. Taketsune? "outside the city, Barbican was either round or square. Depending on the terrain, it is as tall and thick as a city, but one door is opened, and the left and right sides are at their own discretion."The orientation of the Barbican Gate and the big gate of Pingyao Ancient City is mostly at a 90-degree angle (except the south gate and the Lower East Gate) , even if the enemy broke through the Barbican Gate, there was still the main gate to defend. The narrow confines of Weng's city made it difficult to launch a large-scale attack, which slowed the enemy's attack, while the defenders at the top of the wall could fire from high up on all sides, to the enemy with a fatal blow, is the so-called closed door to shoot the dog, trapped turtle. Tower, built in the City Gate Top, ancient times sometimes known as "Qiao Lou. ". Pingyao City Wall has a total of six towers, built in the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Emperor Kangxi forty-two years (1703) repair and reconstruction, tower height 16.14 meters, width 13.72 meters, into the deep four 10.04 meters. The model is simple, elegant, the structure is dignified and steady. The castle tower is a high-rise building with exquisite and beautiful top of the city wall. It is an important high-altitude defense facility for the city. Turrets, built on the four corners of the city wall, are mainly used to make up for the defensive corner of the city wall at the corner of the weak link, so as to strengthen the wholeUnder each section of the battlements wall, a rectangular "eye" of the same size as the battlements to accommodate the gun body, kneeling posture launch. The 3000-crenelated crenelated crenelated walls in Pingyao city are both solid and virtual, which eliminates the rigidity of high walls and thick walls in terms of shape, satisfies the pursuit of balance between Yin and Yang in yi-ology, and the soldiers and horses guarding the city during the war are sufficient to block the Arrow stones, battlements Wall also known as the Horse Wall. Inside eaves wall head, brick building security low wall. And the top of the wall was plastered with green bricks, and the water was scattered at the entrance of the water under the parapet, and it was laid in a brick water trough to the way of the city. The city gate and the city wall, Pingyao city has the ancient city gate six, east and West two. A bird's-eye view of the ancient city of Pingyao, shaped like a tortoise, "Turtle" head South tail north, east and west four doors comparable to the four feet of the turtle, the folk has "Kusǒng" said. Outside the south gate, the river meanders through Zhongdu in ancient times, thus triggering the sentiment of the ancient literati that "the turtle played in front of the water, the landscape Chaoyang, the city of Youjian, take this as the use" . The tortoise is a symbol of good fortune and long life. The saying of "Kusǒng" originates from the worship of the "four spirits" . "KUSǑNG" means "golden soup" . Pingyao city south high north low, four open doors, folk to the direction and terrain, will be six gate called South Gate, North Gate, upper east gate, upper West Gate, lower east gate, lower West Gate. Well, they all have names. According to the Ming Wanli thirty-seven, "the history of Fenzhou, O building volume" contains: "Longqing Three Years County Magistrate Yue Wei in six outside the construction of the suspension bridge, each brick gate, are standing on the stone, published two words, in order to magnificent. Dongmen II: One is mechanical mouth, one is oral order, and this deposit. Simon II: one is to pierce the mouth, the other is to threaten the enemy. Longqing six-year magistrate Meng a city to brick, according to make Liang Minghan record. Wanli twenty-two years increase building, urn ring demolition, South Gate said burning mouth, North Gate said Washing Rong."To the Qing Dynasty, in a major repair of the city wall 30 years after Daoguang, Liu Xu, the magistrate, renamed the six gates and received the plaques: Yingxun, Gongji, Taihe, Yongding, Qinhan, Fengyi. The city faces south and east, and the South Gate welcomes the south-east wind of Kaoru, which is called "Yingxun Gate" . The ancients used the North Star as a symbol of the north, confucius said: "To govern by virtue, such as the North Star, in its place and all the stars in common. " The North Gate called "Gongji Gate" , take the four directions to return to the meaning of all respect; the Upper Bab Sharqi is located in the direction of vitality, take the meaning of full of vitality, Baohe Taihe Gate; SIMMEN named "Yongdingmen" in the hope of securing the stability of the country and the people; the Lower East Gate has been the strategic stronghold of the city since ancient times; the inscription on the door, "Qinhan" , is intended to warn people of "military affairs by Han" , to keep the family of Wey as their own duty; The name of the Lower West Gate, "the Phoenix Gate" , seems to have been influenced by the myth of the early years that there was a phoenix at the West Gate, "Xiao Shao 90% , phoenix to the instrument" , Phoenix to the appearance, is an auspicious auspicious should, which leads one to think of the moral administration of Huimin County, the national transportation of Longchang. The city wall is the Defensive Wall in the war, and the city gate is the weakness of the defense line. In order to strengthen the defense, a heavy gate was built outside the gate which was built with the wall to form another defense line outside the inner gate, the enclosed space between the inner and outer doors is like a small city outside the big city. The "small city" is called "Barbican" . During the war, Barbican provided excellent conditions for the defenders to outflank the enemy. Feng Shui Masters took advantage of the Urn city to avoid evil spirits. In reality, Barbican was good enough to hide the dust from the countryside. The system of Wengcheng in China began in the Han Dynasty, when the city first had Barbican, there is no textual research, only that in the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty Zhengde (1509) built the lower east gate of Barbican, in the year of Jiajing thirty-one (1552) built the north gate of Barbican, in the year of Jiajing forty-one (1562) the Castle Tower was updated, and in the year of Wanli twenty-two (1594) , "Building East and West Barbican are three, all brick and stone" , Qing Emperor Kangxi thirty-five (1696) , repair South Gate Urn city, 40 years (1701) , repair on the East Gate Barbican. In the year forty-two of Kangxi (1703) , the emperor toured the West through Pingyao, and six city towers were renovated. In forty-four (1705) , repairs were made to the upper east gate. Daoguang 30 years (1850) to Xianfeng six years (1856) , carried out a full-scale, large-scale wall repair project, once "Xinggong east-west-north five doors, but still base repair, but the south door height plus a few feet" , resulting in the existing regulation. In the six ancient city gates, the East and west four roads are opposite each other, and the heavy doors of the Upper East Gate, the upper West Gate and the lower west gate all open to the south, facing the distant mountains and rivers, so that they can "take in gas" ; the heavy axis of the lower east gate is parallel to the central axis of the inner gate, it was a sign of respect to the imperial court towards the official road to Kyoto. Although the south gate heavy door and the inner door phase wrong, but due to the situation, still face south. The heavy gate of the North Gate and the inner gate open to the East at 90 ° , bathed in the dawn of the east. The Gate Tower, the gate tower on the city wall, is the symbol of the "city" . Its magnificent appearance shows the majesty of the city and the style of the nation. Pingyao Castle, Ming Dynasty already have, Qing Kangxi years to repair. The South and North Gate of the tower is three Eaves two-storey seven Purlin Xieshan corridor type, the East and West four gate gate of the tower is two-storey seven Purlin Xieshan corridor type. In the wars of ancient and modern times, the brick and wooden towers served as lookouts, the headquarters of garrison commanders, and the most important firing positions. In modern defensive warfare, its function is not obvious. Rishengchang Piaohao, Rishengchang Piaohao as an outstanding representative of Shanxi Merchants Culture, its architectural style and scale are typical, but also has its particularity. Rishengchang Piao shop adopted the three-hall-style Hall, which embodied the traditional characteristics of Jinzhong folk houses and absorbed the style of Jinzhong shops, thus achieving the harmony and unity of architectural art and use functions. Rishengchang covers an area of 1386 square meters, Gross leasable area about 1200 square meters, a total of 21 buildings, the main courtyard along the north-south vertical axis, the east courtyard for the long and narrow north-south small cross courtyard, the West courtyard for the japan-china new ticket shop. Today, the former site of Rishengchang has been set up as a "Museum of Chinese bank accounts" . The bank accounts were a kind of financial institution that appeared in the Qing Dynasty, and the earliest bank accounts were Rishengchang bank accounts, its Property East is Shanxi Pingyao County da Pu village Li Shi. Rishengchang ticket shop is the predecessor of Xiyucheng pigment village, the headquarters in Pingyao, and Chongwen in Beijing outside the sub-zhuang. At the end of the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, due to the development of the social commodity money economy, the inter-port currency circulation increased greatly, and the original standard transportation of silver was not safe enough to meet the needs of the new situation, xiyucheng pigment Zhuang first in Beijing, Shanxi Trial Exchange method, the result is very good, then began to run the exchange business. Daoguang early years, Xiyucheng pigment Zhuang officially changed its name to Rishengchang Piaohao, franchise exchange. Piaohao is a very profitable business, it is estimated that from Daoguang Tongzhi years of time, 50 years, Caidong Lee from Rishengchang Piaohao dividends up to 2 million silver taels. Lee's business, the company's manager of the implementation of the appointment system, so Lee's most attention to the selection of managers. Once the manager is chosen, he is left to his own devices. Only to the checkout, the party listen to the manager report, and finally profit-sharing, to determine whether the manager continues to hire